Anyone dealt with access issues for their kid's school records...?

So, my kid’s school wouldn’t give me access to her records for a while because my ex enrolled her, and she wouldn’t authorize it. Court has since cleared this up with joint legal custody, so it’s not a current issue. But I’m looking for any way to address what happened in the past. Anyone been in a similar boat or have advice?

That sounds rough. Did you try going to court about it at the time?

Tru said:
That sounds rough. Did you try going to court about it at the time?

Yeah, that’s actually how I got the joint legal custody. Just wondering if I can get some formal record about what happened though.

Tru said:
That sounds rough. Did you try going to court about it at the time?

Do you mean you want some kind of official acknowledgment that what they did wasn’t right?

Charlie said:

Tru said:
That sounds rough. Did you try going to court about it at the time?

Do you mean you want some kind of official acknowledgment that what they did wasn’t right?

Exactly! Like a formal note or something that says my rights were ignored.

I think there’s a law, FERPA or something, about parents’ access to school records. Not sure if it applies to private schools though.

Keir said:
I think there’s a law, FERPA or something, about parents’ access to school records. Not sure if it applies to private schools though.

Yeah, I looked into FERPA, but I think I missed the 180-day deadline to file a complaint.

Keir said:
I think there’s a law, FERPA or something, about parents’ access to school records. Not sure if it applies to private schools though.

What’s FERPA?

Nova said:

Keir said:
I think there’s a law, FERPA or something, about parents’ access to school records. Not sure if it applies to private schools though.

What’s FERPA?

It’s the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Basically, it gives parents rights to access their child’s records unless a court says otherwise.

Private schools that don’t get federal funding might not follow FERPA. Did your kid’s school receive any federal aid?

Wade said:
Private schools that don’t get federal funding might not follow FERPA. Did your kid’s school receive any federal aid?

Good question! I’m not totally sure, but I’m guessing not. It’s a private school.

Wade said:
Private schools that don’t get federal funding might not follow FERPA. Did your kid’s school receive any federal aid?

Even if they’re private, you could try filing a complaint just to put them on the Department of Ed’s radar.

Sounds like the school and your ex really put you in a tough spot. If you can’t file the FERPA complaint now, maybe look into state-level options?

Mal said:
Sounds like the school and your ex really put you in a tough spot. If you can’t file the FERPA complaint now, maybe look into state-level options?

Yeah, it’s frustrating. I’ll check out if there are any state rules. Appreciate the suggestion!

You could always consult a lawyer to see if any legal recourse is available now. Sometimes there are exceptions to time limits if you had no way of knowing about your rights earlier.

Linden said:
You could always consult a lawyer to see if any legal recourse is available now. Sometimes there are exceptions to time limits if you had no way of knowing about your rights earlier.

That’s a good point. I’ll consider that… maybe it’s worth checking out, even if just for peace of mind.