Anyone else been questioned by OIG about delivering packages?

I was recently questioned by the OIG about delivering packages. Apparently, a customer was arrested for getting controlled substances through the mail, and now they’re trying to see if I conspired with them. I’ve got a few text messages from the customer, but none of them were drug-related. Just regular stuff about deliveries. Anyone else dealt with something like this before? What are the chances of charges being filed even if the OIG didn’t arrest me?

That sounds stressful! I had a similar experience once, and they were looking for something to pin me on but couldn’t find much. If they didn’t arrest you, it’s probably not going anywhere.

Kasey said:
That sounds stressful! I had a similar experience once, and they were looking for something to pin me on but couldn’t find much. If they didn’t arrest you, it’s probably not going anywhere.

Yeah, I was told by my union president that they usually arrest in these situations. So it’s a bit worrying, but I guess I’ll just wait it out for now.

Definitely just wait it out. If they don’t have anything solid, they won’t press charges. Hopefully, it all works out .

Did they do a SAR on your banking records too? They did that with me when I got questioned, looking for money laundering stuff.

Sam said:
Did they do a SAR on your banking records too? They did that with me when I got questioned, looking for money laundering stuff.

Yeah, they did. It came back clean, though. I guess they were checking for fraud or something, but there was nothing there.

Yeah, they’ll do that if they suspect something, but I’m sure it’s nothing. If everything’s clean, you should be fine.

What’s the likelihood they’d still press charges after so much time has passed? Like, is it too late for them to do anything?

Fay said:
What’s the likelihood they’d still press charges after so much time has passed? Like, is it too late for them to do anything?

That’s what I’m wondering too. It’s been months since everything happened. My lawyer says it’s probably unlikely since there’s no new evidence.

That makes sense. I think after this much time, they would’ve moved on if they had anything solid. Fingers crossed for you .

I don’t think they can do much if they don’t have anything on you. Sounds like they’re just fishing for evidence. If the text messages were all about delivery and nothing suspicious, you should be fine.

Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself. But it’s just nerve-wracking not knowing what could happen next.

Reed said:
Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself. But it’s just nerve-wracking not knowing what could happen next.

I totally get that. But if they couldn’t arrest you back then, it’s probably not going anywhere. You’re likely in the clear .

Sounds like you’ve got a pretty solid case here. If you were just doing your job and didn’t know what was in the packages, there’s not much they can do.

Jordan said:
Sounds like you’ve got a pretty solid case here. If you were just doing your job and didn’t know what was in the packages, there’s not much they can do.

That’s what my lawyer said too. Just deliver the packages and don’t know what’s inside. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.