Can I get a 100% disabled ID card as a reservist?

So, I went to get my gray area retired reservist ID, but the guy there said I can’t get a 100% disabled card. I’m wondering if anyone else has dealt with this? I’ve heard there might not even be such a thing, but it’s confusing. Any advice?

Yeah, there’s no such thing as a 100% disabled ID card. The VA doesn’t issue something like that specifically.

Paxton said:
Yeah, there’s no such thing as a 100% disabled ID card. The VA doesn’t issue something like that specifically.

Oh, gotcha. I think I got mixed up. I thought it could help with stuff like MWR rates or discounts.

Paxton said:
Yeah, there’s no such thing as a 100% disabled ID card. The VA doesn’t issue something like that specifically.

Yeah, those MWR rates are different. Sometimes 100% VA disabled vets get better rates than retirees. Depends on the base.

If you’re a reservist, you should already qualify for a retired ID. The disability thing might not even apply here.

Sloan said:
If you’re a reservist, you should already qualify for a retired ID. The disability thing might not even apply here.

Good point. I already have my retired ID, so maybe I was overthinking the whole 100% disabled thing.

Sloan said:
If you’re a reservist, you should already qualify for a retired ID. The disability thing might not even apply here.

IDK, man. It’s always worth double-checking with the base office. They can be weird about this stuff.

If you’re 100% disabled, that’s already on record with the VA. You might not need a special card for discounts.

Mai said:
If you’re 100% disabled, that’s already on record with the VA. You might not need a special card for discounts.

True. I think I just assumed the card would make it easier to prove or something.

Mai said:
If you’re 100% disabled, that’s already on record with the VA. You might not need a special card for discounts.

Honestly, just carry your VA paperwork. That’s usually all they ask for anyway.

If the guy at the office said no, it might be worth asking someone higher up. Sometimes they get stuff wrong.

Vesper said:
If the guy at the office said no, it might be worth asking someone higher up. Sometimes they get stuff wrong.

Yeah, I might try that. It’s frustrating when they give unclear info.

Vesper said:
If the guy at the office said no, it might be worth asking someone higher up. Sometimes they get stuff wrong.

Totally. I had to push back before, and it turned out they misunderstood my situation. Keep asking!