Can I get more time before my court date?

I had a minor incident with a parked police car a while ago, which led to the cops finding out my license was suspended due to unpaid fines I didn’t know about. I paid everything, but now I have a court hearing next Thursday. Does anyone know if it’s possible to postpone it? I just need a little more time to gather my receipts from the DMV.

Yeah, I think you can request a postponement, but you might need to file a motion with the court. Did you call the court clerk yet?

Indra said:
Yeah, I think you can request a postponement, but you might need to file a motion with the court. Did you call the court clerk yet?

Not yet! That’s a good idea, though. Thanks! Do you know how to actually file a motion?

You’ll probably need to put it on some official paper, like 28-line pleading paper. Courts sometimes have templates. Maybe check online?

I had a similar situation once. You gotta file the motion and serve it to the other party. Someone who’s over 18 (and not involved) has to do it for you.

Kim said:
I had a similar situation once. You gotta file the motion and serve it to the other party. Someone who’s over 18 (and not involved) has to do it for you.

Gotcha. So I can’t just hand it in myself?

Right. The court wants someone neutral to serve it. Kinda weird, but that’s how it works.

Did you have to stay in jail long? Sucks that they’d arrest you over fines.

Haze said:
Did you have to stay in jail long? Sucks that they’d arrest you over fines.

Yeah, I was held for about 7 hours. Just for some fines I forgot about.

Good luck with the court stuff. Maybe bring proof you paid your fines to show you’re responsible?

Fern said:
Good luck with the court stuff. Maybe bring proof you paid your fines to show you’re responsible?

Thanks! Yeah, I’ll bring everything I have. Just hoping it helps.

If you want to delay it, maybe try explaining your situation to the court clerk? Sometimes they’re understanding about stuff like this.

Flynt said:
If you want to delay it, maybe try explaining your situation to the court clerk? Sometimes they’re understanding about stuff like this.

I’ll definitely try that. Thanks for the tip!