Can my baby’s father get in trouble for filing a second CPS case...?

I already have a CPS case open, but my baby’s father called them on me again for no reason. CPS came and left, didn’t see any issues. So I’m wondering, can he actually get in trouble for doing that?

Yeah, that sounds frustrating! Filing a false report can get someone in trouble, especially if he did it just to mess with you.

Morgan said:
Yeah, that sounds frustrating! Filing a false report can get someone in trouble, especially if he did it just to mess with you.

Right? It’s exhausting dealing with this. Do you know if CPS actually does anything if it’s just out of spite?

Morgan said:
Yeah, that sounds frustrating! Filing a false report can get someone in trouble, especially if he did it just to mess with you.

They might. If you can show that he only did it to bother you, it could be taken more seriously. Keeping any messages or proof of him harassing you might help.

I think it depends on the state too. Some places have harsher penalties for fake reports. Does he have a history of this kind of thing?

Micah said:
I think it depends on the state too. Some places have harsher penalties for fake reports. Does he have a history of this kind of thing?

Yeah, he’s been calling and texting me a lot, just being difficult. CPS didn’t find anything wrong, so I’m just hoping they don’t take him seriously.

I’d tell CPS everything, just in case. If he keeps doing this, they’ll know it’s probably just harassment.

Kim said:
I’d tell CPS everything, just in case. If he keeps doing this, they’ll know it’s probably just harassment.

Good idea! I’ll talk to my caseworker. Thanks for the tip!

Ugh, some people use CPS as a weapon. If you’ve already got a case, they’ll likely catch on if he’s calling just to be spiteful.

Cal said:
Ugh, some people use CPS as a weapon. If you’ve already got a case, they’ll likely catch on if he’s calling just to be spiteful.

Right? It’s so draining. I just want him to leave us alone.

Cal said:
Ugh, some people use CPS as a weapon. If you’ve already got a case, they’ll likely catch on if he’s calling just to be spiteful.

Yeah, sounds like he’s just mad. CPS will probably get tired of his complaints if they’re pointless.

I think you could even file a report if he’s harassing you. CPS might keep a record if it continues.

Payton said:
I think you could even file a report if he’s harassing you. CPS might keep a record if it continues.

True, I might have to go that route if he keeps it up. Thanks!