Family Member Pressuring to Know Medical Details of My Pregnancy

Hello everyone…

I’m hoping for some advice on a sensitive issue. I’m currently halfway through my pregnancy, and I have a sibling whom I’m not very close to. They seem to be obsessively interested in the medical details of my pregnancy, particularly when it comes to my upcoming anatomy scan. I’m feeling really anxious about this scan, and I’ve chosen not to share the date with them.

The reason for my anxiety is that I’ve heard about some really difficult experiences others have had during their pregnancies, and while I know it’s not necessarily going to happen to me, it’s hard not to worry. I’m already feeling stressed, and I don’t want additional pressure from them.

I’ve told them that I don’t know the date yet (which is true for now), but they keep following up, asking for the date as soon as I know it. I really don’t want to be pestered, especially on the day of the scan when I’ll be already feeling stressed.

How can I handle this situation without causing a family conflict? I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I also need to protect my own mental well-being. Any advice on how to set boundaries or navigate this would be greatly appreciated. :thinking:


Saying “No” is a perfectly reasonable response to intrusive questions. Consider if someone asked for very personal information about your finances; you would likely refuse without hesitation. This situation isn’t much different.


No. Absolutely no. When she asks again about the date, simply say no. Do not offer any explanation, excuse, or apology. Just no.


You are not obligated to tell them anything. It’s your body and your baby.

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What is an anatomy scan? I didn’t have one of those 37 years ago.

I concur with you entirely. It is appropriate to say “no” when someone asks you an invasive inquiry. Setting limits and defending our personal privacy in other contexts is crucial, just as we do with our financial information. I appreciate you giving this viewpoint.