How do I get my car and phone back from my ex?

Hey, so I moved out of my apartment with my ex back in August 2022, and we haven’t lived together since. She still has my car, cellphone, and laptop that I’ve been paying for. I’ve asked her multiple times to help pay for them, but no luck. I’m kind of stuck on how to go about getting them back. Any advice?

I’ve been in a similar situation before. You could try asking for your stuff back, but it might get ugly. :grimacing: If it does, you could file something called a ‘replevin’ lawsuit to ask the court to make her return the property. That way, you don’t have to deal with her directly.

I’ve heard people mention getting the police involved like in the movies, but honestly, it’s hit or miss. Some officers might help, but usually, they just say it’s a civil issue and won’t intervene. Might be worth trying, though, if you’re not up for a lawsuit.

If you’re not trying to deal with her face-to-face, you could also just hire a tow truck or take the car if you have a key. Just make sure it’s legal where you live. :sweat_smile:

It’s tough, but you gotta weigh your options. If you’re gonna take the legal route, get an attorney to handle it so you don’t have to confront her directly. That’s the best advice I can give you.