Hey everyone! I’m looking for a USCG equivalent COC course for Class 1. I currently hold a Class 1 COC from the Indian government and am looking to get a new COC for container vessels. Anyone know any good colleges or programs in the US that offer USCG-approved courses for this? I would appreciate any help or advice!
I’ve been looking into this too! The USCG doesn’t directly transfer foreign COCs, but they’ll evaluate your qualifications. Have you already contacted any US colleges? You could try California Maritime or SUNY Maritime College. They have some great programs for container vessels.
Just a heads up, you might need to take exams too. I know someone who went through this process and had to pass a few USCG exams before getting their MMC.
I’ve heard that if you have a Class 1 COC from India, some of your courses or certifications might transfer over, but it depends on what you’ve done. You’ll probably need to submit your records for evaluation to see what’s accepted.
I think you might need to apply for the Master of Unlimited Tonnage (Oceans) credential to get something similar to the Class 1 COC. It’s the closest equivalent for container vessels in the USCG system.
I went through the USCG process, and it’s a lot of paperwork. You’ll need to prove your sea service and may have to take a medical exam. It’s a bit of a hassle, but totally worth it if you want to work on container ships.