Marriage Certificate Destroyed Immediately After Wedding... Still Married?

So here’s the deal… one person finds out their partner cheated right before the wedding, but they only discover this after the ceremony. After the vows and everything, they burn the marriage certificate, claiming there’s no marriage. Nothing was submitted to the state. Is there anything else that needs to happen? Everyone seems to just be walking away saying there’s no marriage, even though it was a witnessed ceremony.

If the original certificate isn’t filed, there’s no legal record of the marriage. But morally, that’s up to you to decide.

In Arkansas, if it’s not filed with the court, it’s like you’re not married. We were told to file it right after our ceremony or it wouldn’t count.

First thing, check with the officiant. Did they file the paperwork? Also, check with the local municipality where the ceremony happened. They should have a record if it was filed.

Sounds like it could be a simple annulment situation if it’s a valid claim. I wouldn’t just ignore this without checking it out.

Anyone know how this works if they burned the certificate? Does that matter legally?