My Brother Registered Our Land in His Name... How Can I Get Justice?

Hi everyone, I really need some advice. My elder brother and I are both software engineers. He convinced me that we should buy land together using our salaries. I trusted him completely and ended up giving him every rupee I saved over the past 7 years for this purpose. But he registered all the land under his name, giving me silly reasons at the time. Now, he refuses to give me my share of the land or even pay back my money.

I even paid some advances directly to the landowners for buying the land. I have all the bank transaction records to prove this, but whenever I bring it up, he just gets angry and starts a fight. I’m honestly devastated that I trusted him so much, and now he’s acting like this. What can I do in this situation? How can I get justice?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I feel completely lost right now.

Oh no, I’m so sorry you’re going through this! If you have proof of the transactions, like bank records and other documents, you’re in a much better position to fight this. You should definitely consult a lawyer who specializes in property disputes. It sounds like your brother might be trying to take advantage of your trust. The sooner you take legal action, the better!

Thanks for the support. I’ll definitely try to find a lawyer. It’s just heartbreaking to be in this situation with my own brother.

You should gather all the evidence you have—bank records, any messages or emails between you two about the land purchase, etc.—and present it to a lawyer. Property disputes can get messy, but since you have proof that you contributed financially, it might help your case. I hope you can resolve this quickly!

Yes, I have all the bank transactions saved, so I think I’m in a good position there. I’ll try to speak with a lawyer soon. Thanks for the advice!

I agree with everyone else. The first step is finding a good lawyer and showing them all your proof. If you can prove that you funded these land purchases, you should be able to take legal action to either get your money back or claim your rightful share of the land. It’s so sad when family does this, but you need to protect yourself.

Thanks, I’m definitely going to consult a lawyer. I never thought I’d be in this kind of situation with my brother, but I need to do what’s right.

I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. If you have solid proof of the money transfers, a lawyer should be able to help you make a strong case. Maybe your brother thinks you won’t go through the trouble of legal action, but if he sees you’re serious, he might change his tune. You’re doing the right thing by looking for advice now.

I’m hoping he’ll reconsider if I take legal action. But either way, I feel like I have no choice but to go forward. Thanks for your kind words!

This is a tough situation. I’ve heard of similar cases, and they can get really complicated. But since you have the bank records and proof of payment, you have a good case to stand on. Try to talk to a property dispute lawyer ASAP before more time passes. Maybe mediation could also help resolve things without it getting too messy.

Thank you! I’ll look into mediation as well, though my brother seems unwilling to listen. I’ll see what my lawyer advises.