I got a ticket in the mail for passing a stopped school bus. The bus was just parked with its lights off, and as I was approaching, it suddenly put out its stop sign. I was going 40 mph and already at the back of the bus, so I couldn’t stop in time. Is this something I could fight in court if I deny liability?
Hmm, this is tricky. In most places, you’re required to stop for a bus with flashing red lights and an extended stop sign, even if you’re on a divided highway. But since the bus activated it late, it sounds like you might have a chance. Do you know what state you’re in?
Yeah, I’m in New York. So does that mean I’m basically out of luck with the law being so strict?
In New York, the law is pretty strict about stopping for school buses. If the lights were off and the sign didn’t come out until you were already at the back of the bus, that might work in your favor, but it’s gonna depend on what evidence you can present.
I didn’t have any chance to stop, so maybe that’s a defense? I just don’t want to get stuck paying a huge fine.
If you’ve got a witness who can back up that you didn’t have time to stop before the bus activated its stop sign, that could really help your case. Otherwise, it might be tough.
Amar said:
If you’ve got a witness who can back up that you didn’t have time to stop before the bus activated its stop sign, that could really help your case. Otherwise, it might be tough.
I don’t have a witness, but I’ll see if anyone saw it. Hopefully that helps!
Yeah, the fines are pretty harsh for this. If you have a good reason why you couldn’t stop, like if the bus suddenly activated the lights, you might be able to challenge it in court. It just depends on what they can prove.
I’m hoping the court will see it my way. I really don’t think I had enough time to stop.
I’d say it’s worth a shot! Even if the law is strict, a sudden activation of the stop sign could be a reasonable defense. Just make sure you present your side clearly and maybe even bring up the timing of when you saw the stop sign.
Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely bring that up in court if I go that route.