Resisting Arrest

Hi there!

A time back, one of my old friends moved to Germany. He recently split up with his partner, got wasted, and was taken into custody by the police.

The charge against him is resisting arrest.

He has been under a lot of stress because he has never done something like that before. He contacted a lawyer, who informed him that unless he paid €2000 to the lawyer and €1000 to the state, he would be imprisoned for six months. That sounds excessive to me for a night of drinking and heartache.

I would like some suggestions, please, that I may provide for him. Does he face a €1000 fine and six months in prison?


It really depends on several factors, such as the level of intoxication (the more, the better for his case) and the extent of harm caused to the arresting officers. However, generally speaking, jail time is unlikely for someone with no prior issues with the police, especially if they have a stable life (employed, not homeless).


He didn’t harass the police officers; he just repeatedly refused to show his ID.

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That information isn’t included in this post. How do you know about it?

Could it be that you’re the friend?

Should you go unconscious and lose the memory of resisting arrest, it indicates a serious drinking issue. Everyone in this room is advising you to visit AA. You ought to heed that counsel.