Should we get a lawyer for our 17-year-old?

Our 17-year-old son is being harassed by his ex-girlfriend (she’s 16). She’s accusing him of showing inappropriate pictures of her to friends, but he never sent or shared them. Now she’s threatening him via text and even told her friends to say they saw the pictures, just to get him kicked out of school. We’re wondering if we should seek legal help, especially since this could escalate. Has anyone dealt with something similar?

That sounds really stressful. Honestly, I’d talk to a lawyer just to be safe. Maybe even send her a cease and desist letter?

Tallis said:
That sounds really stressful. Honestly, I’d talk to a lawyer just to be safe. Maybe even send her a cease and desist letter?

Thanks. Yeah, a cease and desist might be a good idea. Have you ever done that before?

Tallis said:
That sounds really stressful. Honestly, I’d talk to a lawyer just to be safe. Maybe even send her a cease and desist letter?

I haven’t personally, but I know it’s basically a formal way to tell someone to back off. A lawyer could help draft it.

Can she actually prove he shared anything? Without evidence, it’s just her word against his.

Adair said:
Can she actually prove he shared anything? Without evidence, it’s just her word against his.

Exactly! That’s what we’re thinking. But her friends might back her up even if it’s a lie.

Adair said:
Can she actually prove he shared anything? Without evidence, it’s just her word against his.

If it’s all false, it could count as defamation. That’s something a lawyer could look into too.

Does your son still have the texts where she’s threatening him? Those could be important if this goes further.

Zion said:
Does your son still have the texts where she’s threatening him? Those could be important if this goes further.

Yeah, he saved the texts, and she even texted my wife. Not sure if we should show them to the school though.

Zion said:
Does your son still have the texts where she’s threatening him? Those could be important if this goes further.

If you show the school, they might involve authorities. But having evidence is always a good move.

What’s the school’s policy on stuff like this? Christian schools can be strict about accusations.

Vinn said:
What’s the school’s policy on stuff like this? Christian schools can be strict about accusations.

We’re not sure yet. We’re worried they might take action even without proof.

Vinn said:
What’s the school’s policy on stuff like this? Christian schools can be strict about accusations.

Maybe get ahead of it and talk to the school. Show them the saved texts—it shows she’s not being truthful.

If it were me, I’d consult a lawyer ASAP. Even just one meeting could clear up your options.

Cory said:
If it were me, I’d consult a lawyer ASAP. Even just one meeting could clear up your options.

That’s probably the best route. We’ll look into it. Thanks!