Son got a speeding ticket in Camdenton... what now?

My 18-year-old son got his first speeding ticket in Camdenton, MO for going 82 in a 60 zone. The ticket was issued on 11/08/2024 at 6:21 PM. He says he was actually going around 75. The officer didn’t mention defensive driving courses or anything, just gave him a court date. This is his first ticket, and I’m wondering what his options are. Could he get it reduced or changed to a non-moving violation? Anyone dealt with this kind of situation?

He should definitely go to court instead of just paying the ticket. Judges are often lenient with first-time offenders.

Pippin said:
He should definitely go to court instead of just paying the ticket. Judges are often lenient with first-time offenders.

Do you think the judge might suggest a driving course to reduce the points?

Pippin said:
He should definitely go to court instead of just paying the ticket. Judges are often lenient with first-time offenders.

Yeah, totally. If he takes an in-person driver improvement course, they might knock it down to like 15-19 over.

He should get a speedometer calibration done. Sometimes the reading on the car is off, and that could help his case.

Finley said:
He should get a speedometer calibration done. Sometimes the reading on the car is off, and that could help his case.

What’s a speedometer calibration? Never heard of it.

Finley said:
He should get a speedometer calibration done. Sometimes the reading on the car is off, and that could help his case.

It’s when they check if the speedometer is accurate. If it’s off, it might show he wasn’t going as fast as recorded.

Getting it changed to a non-moving violation is possible, but at 22 mph over, it’s kinda unlikely. Worth asking though.

Quill said:
Getting it changed to a non-moving violation is possible, but at 22 mph over, it’s kinda unlikely. Worth asking though.

Isn’t that usually easier for lower speeds, like under 10 mph over?

Quill said:
Getting it changed to a non-moving violation is possible, but at 22 mph over, it’s kinda unlikely. Worth asking though.

Yeah, but it depends on the judge and the attorney. A local traffic lawyer might know what works there.

Ty said:
He should try talking to a traffic attorney in Camdenton. They can sometimes negotiate directly with the prosecutor for a better deal.

Would they charge a lot for something like this? IDK if it’s worth the cost.

If he goes to court and explains it’s his first ticket, they might just let him take a course and lower the charge.

Vanya said:
If he goes to court and explains it’s his first ticket, they might just let him take a course and lower the charge.

Do they still offer online courses for stuff like this, or does it have to be in-person?

Vanya said:
If he goes to court and explains it’s his first ticket, they might just let him take a course and lower the charge.

Most places prefer in-person for reductions, but check with the court. Online might be an option in some cases.