A friend of mine has a car payment that is five months overdue. Nonetheless, they relocated across multiple states and departed the state where the car was registered. and claims they won’t be able to locate it for repossession, thus he is not concerned about repossession.
Are there any legal repercussions for acting in this way? Is that considered stealing? Does this only damage their credit, or might he be facing jail time? It is stated that this is a civil case rather than a criminal one.
I don’t know if there’s anything beyond the regular repercussions for not paying for the car, he’s the registered owner. BUT he’s 100% wrong about the repo. They can and will find the car anywhere in the US because the tow companies have a network they participate in and the repo orders are filed by VIN which follows the car state to state.
Since he is the registered owner, I’m not sure if there are any more consequences for not making the car payment. He is, however, entirely incorrect regarding the repository. Because the tow companies are part of a network and the reposo orders are filed by VIN, which tracks the automobile from state to state, they can and will locate the vehicle anywhere in the United States.