Unfair suspension for my daughter – need advice

Hi everyone, my daughter was recently suspended for 5 days, and it doesn’t seem fair compared to how the school handles other incidents. The handbook says bullying includes physical or verbal threats, but in this case, it feels like they’re not applying the rules equally. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Sounds frustrating. If the other kid didn’t get any punishment, that’s definitely unfair. Did the school say why they’re treating it differently?

Phoenix said:
Sounds frustrating. If the other kid didn’t get any punishment, that’s definitely unfair. Did the school say why they’re treating it differently?

I asked, and the principal just said every situation is handled differently. But other fights only got 2 days or nothing at all.

That’s not right. Maybe bring that up with the superintendent?

If you can, try getting a copy of the school’s handbook or policies. Sometimes it helps to have it in writing when you talk to them.

Mika said:
If you can, try getting a copy of the school’s handbook or policies. Sometimes it helps to have it in writing when you talk to them.

Good idea. They should at least be consistent with their own rules if it’s in the handbook.

I think getting those 120 signatures is a strong move. Shows that other parents see the issue too.

Payne said:
I think getting those 120 signatures is a strong move. Shows that other parents see the issue too.

Agreed. If more parents have concerns, the school might be pressured to respond better.

Exactly. Schools can’t ignore it when a large group is calling for fairness.

You should ask for evidence of the ‘injury’ they claimed. If the other kid stayed at school all day, it seems questionable.

Blayne said:
You should ask for evidence of the ‘injury’ they claimed. If the other kid stayed at school all day, it seems questionable.

Good point! I didn’t think of that. I’ll ask if they have any documentation on it.

Honestly, this sounds like something to bring up at the school board level if the superintendent doesn’t help.

Mai said:
Honestly, this sounds like something to bring up at the school board level if the superintendent doesn’t help.

Totally agree. If the school isn’t consistent, it needs to be addressed with higher-ups.