What are grandparent rights in Michigan?

My fiancé’s health is declining, and I told my future mother-in-law that she’d need to come visit the grandkids if anything happens. Now she’s threatening to use a family friend (a lawyer) to fight me for weekend custody. I work from home during the week, so weekends are when I spend time with my kids. I’ve told her she can’t take custody because they are my children. What’s the law in Michigan regarding this? Could she actually get weekend time with them?

Definitely talk to a lawyer to understand your options. Grandparents usually need to prove a relationship and that their involvement is in the child’s best interest. Document everything.

Stop any visitations now and consult an attorney. It’s important to protect your rights as a parent.

I agree, consulting an attorney is key. Maybe marrying your fiancé could help strengthen your position.

If your fiancé is of sound mind, have him make a statement about not wanting anyone to gain rights to the kids. It could really help you.

In Michigan, grandparents do have some rights, especially if the parents are unmarried or in a divorce situation. You should definitely consult a family law expert.

I want her to see the kids since they adore her, but I won’t let her take them away every weekend. Thanks for the advice!

You should be fine. Grandparents don’t have rights unless there’s a significant relationship or if the child was previously in their care.

30 minutes isn’t far. It might be worth considering keeping that relationship, but it should be on your terms.