Are we gonna see the end of things like Loving v Virginia too? Are these rights just gonna be left up to the states now?
It’s really up to all of us to make sure things don’t go too far. I think people will start waking up and getting active when they see what’s happening around them.
Here’s some good stuff that can help if you’re interested:
- This is an Uprising – it’s a book on organizing
- The Indivisible Guide – great resource for getting politically involved
If you’re thinking of getting a group together, try looking up “activist affinity groups” instead of setting up a nonprofit. Movements need people, not paperwork.
Nice! Totally forgot about that, thanks for adding it in!
Education here is just going to get worse over the next few years.
Vega said:
Education here is just going to get worse over the next few years.
They’ve been pushing down education since schools were integrated. It’s been about weakening people’s understanding and creating fear through things like certain media outlets.
Honestly, things will probably have to hit rock bottom before people really take a stand. We’re in for some tough years, especially with the climate stuff ramping up. We may end up facing even bigger shocks that could push people to act.
Exactly. We relied on court rulings instead of putting in real laws, and now it’s crumbling.
It’s not going to stop with Obergefell; they’ll probably try to overturn Lawrence v. Texas too.
And now it’s different from 2003 – we have more people in power who will actually enforce those old laws. Add to that all the recent anti-LGBTQ stuff, and there are agencies ready to act on these outdated laws. They’ve already got names of people in same-sex marriages from marriage records, so they wouldn’t even need to catch people in the act.
They’ve been holding off on the anti-drag laws for now, but I have a bad feeling those will come back in full force.
Yeah, those ‘bounty’ laws seem to be a perfect fit for this. Imagine people getting paid to report others.
Jory said:
Yeah, those ‘bounty’ laws seem to be a perfect fit for this. Imagine people getting paid to report others.
It’s already happening. Some towns in Texas have bounties on trans folks for just using the ‘wrong’ bathroom. They’re forcing people to use the bathroom that matches their birth gender. It’s ridiculous.
It feels like Thomas and Alito are trying to set their personal beliefs in stone before they retire, so Trump can replace them with someone who’ll keep those beliefs alive for decades.
In theory, the three branches of government should keep each other in check.
But if they all go in the same direction, who knows what’ll happen.
Do you even understand how a dictatorship works?
Sage said:
Do you even understand how a dictatorship works?
Not really.
All this power in DJT’s hands.
Ellis said:
All this power in DJT’s hands.
In his tiny orange hands?
Probably exactly how Trump dreams it up in his wildest thoughts.