What to do about an employee faking a COVID test

One of my employees called out sick with COVID, but the test they sent us is clearly fake. There are obvious pen marks on it. They’re an at-will employee, and we’re thinking about either a suspension or termination, but our handbook doesn’t really say much about COVID rules. Has anyone else had to deal with something like this?

Fake COVID test? That’s pretty bold. If you’re at-will, you should be fine to terminate them if you decide to go that route.

Taron said:
Fake COVID test? That’s pretty bold. If you’re at-will, you should be fine to terminate them if you decide to go that route.

Yeah, it feels bold to fake something so serious. Do you think suspension is worth considering, or should we go straight to termination?

Taron said:
Fake COVID test? That’s pretty bold. If you’re at-will, you should be fine to terminate them if you decide to go that route.

If this is their first issue, a suspension might work. But termination sends a stronger message, IMO.

Do you usually ask for specific details in the COVID test, like their name and the test date?

Lex said:
Do you usually ask for specific details in the COVID test, like their name and the test date?

Yeah, we require them to include their name and the date in the photo. This one didn’t even try to make it look legit.

Lex said:
Do you usually ask for specific details in the COVID test, like their name and the test date?

If that’s the case, I think termination makes sense. Faking something like this crosses a big line.

At-will means you can let them go for something like this, right? Just as long as it’s not discriminatory.

Adair said:
At-will means you can let them go for something like this, right? Just as long as it’s not discriminatory.

Exactly. It’s not discriminatory, so I think we’re safe legally. I just want to handle it the right way.

Adair said:
At-will means you can let them go for something like this, right? Just as long as it’s not discriminatory.

Definitely document everything before taking action, just in case. Even at-will, it’s better to have records.

What does it mean when someone says ‘at-will’? I’ve heard it before but not sure what it actually means.

Lex said:
What does it mean when someone says ‘at-will’? I’ve heard it before but not sure what it actually means.

At-will means an employer can fire someone for any reason that’s legal, as long as it’s not discriminatory or against a contract.

Lex said:
What does it mean when someone says ‘at-will’? I’ve heard it before but not sure what it actually means.

Oh, okay. So faking something like this would definitely count as a valid reason, right?

Lex said:
What does it mean when someone says ‘at-will’? I’ve heard it before but not sure what it actually means.

Yep, this is a clear case for termination if you ask me.

Termination might be the best move here. Faking a COVID test just seems like a huge breach of trust.

Anik said:
Termination might be the best move here. Faking a COVID test just seems like a huge breach of trust.

Trust is definitely the main issue here. I’m leaning toward termination but want to handle it the right way.

Anik said:
Termination might be the best move here. Faking a COVID test just seems like a huge breach of trust.

Just be clear and direct. Say it’s about integrity and honesty in the workplace.