Wrongful termination without due process... any advice?

Hey everyone, I was let go from a civil service job without any proper due process. They claimed I didn’t meet the state requirements because of an alleged conviction, but I was never actually convicted. Anyone have experience dealing with something like this?

Wow, that sounds rough. So they let you go based on a crime you never actually got convicted of?

Rory said:
Wow, that sounds rough. So they let you go based on a crime you never actually got convicted of?

Yeah, exactly. I even got the record expunged to show there was no conviction, but it was too late by then.

Rory said:
Wow, that sounds rough. So they let you go based on a crime you never actually got convicted of?

That’s messed up. Did they tell you upfront they’d be firing you over this?

Did you ever file a complaint with the EEOC? I think they usually handle stuff like this.

Eli said:
Did you ever file a complaint with the EEOC? I think they usually handle stuff like this.

No, I didn’t file one. My union lawyer didn’t really explain that option to me.

Eli said:
Did you ever file a complaint with the EEOC? I think they usually handle stuff like this.

Unfortunately, I think EEOC complaints have a pretty short filing window, like 300 days or so.

If you missed the EEOC deadline, there might still be other options. Maybe look into local legal aid?

Kase said:
If you missed the EEOC deadline, there might still be other options. Maybe look into local legal aid?

Yeah, that’s a good idea. I hadn’t thought about legal aid, but I’ll check it out.

Kase said:
If you missed the EEOC deadline, there might still be other options. Maybe look into local legal aid?

Some law schools offer clinics that help with cases like these, often for free or at a low cost.

If your union lawyer didn’t inform you about the EEOC timeline, could that be an issue with the union?

Mackenzie said:
If your union lawyer didn’t inform you about the EEOC timeline, could that be an issue with the union?

Possibly. They really didn’t give me much guidance through any of this.

Mackenzie said:
If your union lawyer didn’t inform you about the EEOC timeline, could that be an issue with the union?

It’s worth following up with the union about it. They’re supposed to advocate for you, after all.

Could you do anything about the lack of due process? Civil service jobs usually have strict rules for that.

Remington said:
Could you do anything about the lack of due process? Civil service jobs usually have strict rules for that.

I’d like to, but I’m not sure where to start since I missed the EEOC filing.

Remington said:
Could you do anything about the lack of due process? Civil service jobs usually have strict rules for that.

Maybe a labor rights attorney could help you out? They’d know more about due process stuff.