So my vehicle registration got suspended because of an insurance lapse that went over 90 days. IDK what to do next… do I need a lawyer for this, or is there another way to fix it? Anyone been through this before?
Yeah, I had this happen. You might need to pay a fine and show proof of new insurance before they reinstate it.
Harlan said:
Yeah, I had this happen. You might need to pay a fine and show proof of new insurance before they reinstate it.
Oh wow, any idea how much the fine usually is?
Harlan said:
Yeah, I had this happen. You might need to pay a fine and show proof of new insurance before they reinstate it.
Depends on the state, but usually a few hundred bucks. Some places even make you return the plates until it’s sorted.
You could probably check your DMV’s website or call them to see what the exact process is.
Blakely said:
You could probably check your DMV’s website or call them to see what the exact process is.
Good call, I’ll try that. Just hoping it’s not a huge hassle.
Do you actually need a lawyer for this? Or can you just pay the fine and show proof of insurance?
Channing said:
Do you actually need a lawyer for this? Or can you just pay the fine and show proof of insurance?
Most of the time you don’t need a lawyer unless it’s a bigger issue, like multiple offenses or other complications.
Wait, what’s an insurance lapse exactly? Like just missing a payment, or does it mean something else?
Birch said:
Wait, what’s an insurance lapse exactly? Like just missing a payment, or does it mean something else?
It’s when your insurance is canceled or expired and you don’t renew it within a certain period. If it’s more than 90 days, some states suspend your registration automatically.
If the registration is suspended, can you still drive the car? Or is that a bad idea?
Nuri said:
If the registration is suspended, can you still drive the car? Or is that a bad idea?
Nah, don’t do it. You could get fined even more or have your car impounded if you get pulled over.
Nuri said:
If the registration is suspended, can you still drive the car? Or is that a bad idea?
Damn, good to know. Guess I’ll park it until I get this sorted.