Anyone else have issues with Home and Hospital Instruction forms?

I’ve got two different forms for my son’s Home and Hospital Instruction, and they seem to contradict each other on the terms. The school’s not providing the curriculum for the home instructor, so we’re struggling to figure out where he’s supposed to be in his lessons. I signed them just to get things started but am thinking I might need someone to review these forms to make sure everything’s clear. Has anyone else dealt with this?

Sounds frustrating! Is one form from the school and the other from the district?

Vern said:
Sounds frustrating! Is one form from the school and the other from the district?

Both are actually from the school district, which makes it even more confusing.

Vern said:
Sounds frustrating! Is one form from the school and the other from the district?

Maybe they sent both by mistake? Worth asking if they’re both needed.

I had a similar situation! One form might be the official policy, and the other could be a personalized agreement. Do the hours match up?

Florian said:
I had a similar situation! One form might be the official policy, and the other could be a personalized agreement. Do the hours match up?

No, one says an hour per day, and the other says a flexible 5 hours per week. Really confusing.

Florian said:
I had a similar situation! One form might be the official policy, and the other could be a personalized agreement. Do the hours match up?

That’s weird! I’d definitely ask for clarification on that.

Does the curriculum include assignments? My kid’s home instruction was supposed to have the same work as the classroom.

Mika said:
Does the curriculum include assignments? My kid’s home instruction was supposed to have the same work as the classroom.

That’s what I thought too, but it seems like the home instructor isn’t fully up-to-date with his school progress.

Mika said:
Does the curriculum include assignments? My kid’s home instruction was supposed to have the same work as the classroom.

Might be worth talking to the classroom teacher to get a clear picture of what he should be learning.

It sounds like they should have a clear syllabus or something to help keep track. Did they give you anything like that?

Blair said:
It sounds like they should have a clear syllabus or something to help keep track. Did they give you anything like that?

Nope, just these forms with general instructions. No syllabus or lesson plan.

Blair said:
It sounds like they should have a clear syllabus or something to help keep track. Did they give you anything like that?

Maybe request it directly. They should have some way to keep the home instructor informed.

If you’re worried about his rights, a quick legal review might help, especially with terms that seem inconsistent.

Zya said:
If you’re worried about his rights, a quick legal review might help, especially with terms that seem inconsistent.

That’s what I’m thinking. I just want to make sure he’s getting what he needs.

Zya said:
If you’re worried about his rights, a quick legal review might help, especially with terms that seem inconsistent.

Definitely sounds like a good idea. They should have clear policies for situations like this.