Are brass knuckles illegal

Hey y’all, I’m from down here in Mississippi, and I’ve been hearing some folks talking about brass knuckles. Now, I’ve been wondering, are brass knuckles illegal in our state? I mean, I ain’t looking to get in no trouble or nothing, but I wanna know if I can carry one for self-defense if I need to. Anybody got the scoop on that?

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Yes, brass knuckles are illegal in many places because they are considered dangerous weapons.

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In Mississippi and in the whole country, brass knuckles are considered a weapon, and it is important to handle this subject with care. You must obtain a permit to legally carry brass knuckles.

Carrying brass knuckles or any concealed weapon without a permit is considered a misdemeanor. So, if you are considering carrying brass knuckles for self-defense, make sure you’re doing so within the legal requirements by obtaining the necessary permit.