I work as a PAT tester in a small company with 7 testers. My boss usually lets us know the meet-up location the night before, but he switched from iMessage to WhatsApp because I have an Android. Lately, he’s been forgetting to send me the location, and tonight was no different. I’m wondering if I should ask him for the info or just not show up and request full pay since it’s not my fault he forgot. Can I be fired for not showing up?
I think you should definitely ask him for the info. Not showing up could be risky, especially if you might get fired for it.
Yeah, it’s better to communicate. If he keeps forgetting, maybe suggest a more reliable way to get the info?
Adair said:
Yeah, it’s better to communicate. If he keeps forgetting, maybe suggest a more reliable way to get the info?
Good idea! I might suggest a group chat that includes everyone.
Definitely don’t just not show up. Document the missed messages too, just in case you need to talk to HR later.
I agree. You don’t want to risk your job over this. Just reach out and ask him for the details.
If he keeps forgetting, you might want to mention it to him. It’s his responsibility to keep everyone informed.