Just wondering if a West Point cadet can date someone who’s enlisted if they’re not in the same chain of command and met outside a military context. Anyone know if that’s allowed?
I think as long as you’re not in the same chain of command and you met outside of military stuff, you should be fine. Anyone else heard different?
Nyx said:
I think as long as you’re not in the same chain of command and you met outside of military stuff, you should be fine. Anyone else heard different?
Yeah, I’ve heard similar. Military mainly cares if it affects your work or creates conflicts.
Nyx said:
I think as long as you’re not in the same chain of command and you met outside of military stuff, you should be fine. Anyone else heard different?
Makes sense! So basically, it’s only an issue if it impacts our jobs?
Nyx said:
I think as long as you’re not in the same chain of command and you met outside of military stuff, you should be fine. Anyone else heard different?
Exactly. As long as it’s not affecting performance or causing issues, it shouldn’t be a problem.
Isn’t there something about fraternization rules? Not sure how it applies to cadets though.
Micah said:
Isn’t there something about fraternization rules? Not sure how it applies to cadets though.
Fraternization rules are usually for officers and enlisted folks in the same unit or chain. If you’re at West Point and the other person’s in the Navy, I doubt it’s an issue.
Micah said:
Isn’t there something about fraternization rules? Not sure how it applies to cadets though.
Got it! Thanks for clarifying.
Since you’re technically active duty at West Point but not ranked, I think you’re okay. Military doesn’t usually care as much unless you’re directly working together.
Dara said:
Since you’re technically active duty at West Point but not ranked, I think you’re okay. Military doesn’t usually care as much unless you’re directly working together.
Thanks, that helps! So being at West Point doesn’t make it stricter?
Dara said:
Since you’re technically active duty at West Point but not ranked, I think you’re okay. Military doesn’t usually care as much unless you’re directly working together.
Not really stricter. It’s just the chain of command thing that matters.
I’ve heard it only gets serious if you’re actually in each other’s direct command structure. Otherwise, you’re good.
Jesse said:
I’ve heard it only gets serious if you’re actually in each other’s direct command structure. Otherwise, you’re good.
Good to know! Just wanted to make sure before moving forward.
As long as it doesn’t impact work or cause issues with your duties, the military usually doesn’t interfere. You’re safe if you met outside of a work setting.
Jay said:
As long as it doesn’t impact work or cause issues with your duties, the military usually doesn’t interfere. You’re safe if you met outside of a work setting.
Yeah, if you’re both handling your own duties and not breaking rules at work, it’s usually no big deal.
Jay said:
As long as it doesn’t impact work or cause issues with your duties, the military usually doesn’t interfere. You’re safe if you met outside of a work setting.
Thanks! Definitely planning to keep it professional at work.