Can my daughter really get in trouble for this fight at school?

Hey everyone, my daughter got into a fight at school last Friday. It wasn’t anything crazy, just some pushing after the other kid shoved her hand off, but now the school is suspending her for 3 days and wants to send her to an alternative school! The other kid already came back to school early, but they’re still treating my daughter like she started it. Has anyone dealt with something like this before? What can I do to help her?

Ugh, that sucks. My cousin went through something similar. I’d definitely ask for the school’s policies and see if they’re being fair. Seems like your daughter’s getting the rough end of the deal here.

Yeah, I checked online, and they’re not really following their own rules. I’m meeting with them tomorrow to talk about it.

What kind of policies did you find online? Maybe you can call them out if they’re not following their own guidelines.

Skyler said:
What kind of policies did you find online? Maybe you can call them out if they’re not following their own guidelines.

It says something about both students getting the same punishment for fights like this. But they let the other student back before the suspension was up and now want to transfer my daughter. :confused:

Skyler said:
What kind of policies did you find online? Maybe you can call them out if they’re not following their own guidelines.

Wow, that sounds unfair. Maybe bring that up in your meeting and see what they say. They shouldn’t treat one student better than the other.

Wait, so they didn’t give you any paperwork or anything about the suspension? That seems off. They usually have to give parents some kind of official notice.

Tobin said:
Wait, so they didn’t give you any paperwork or anything about the suspension? That seems off. They usually have to give parents some kind of official notice.

Exactly! I only got a call. No written report or anything. I feel like they’re just rushing through this.

Tobin said:
Wait, so they didn’t give you any paperwork or anything about the suspension? That seems off. They usually have to give parents some kind of official notice.

Sounds like they might be skipping some steps. Maybe you can appeal this? I’d definitely look into that after your meeting.

That alternative school thing sounds like a big deal. Does your daughter have any past issues at school? It seems extreme for just one fight.

Jory said:
That alternative school thing sounds like a big deal. Does your daughter have any past issues at school? It seems extreme for just one fight.

Nope, she’s never been in trouble before. That’s why I’m so confused about why they’re going so hard on her.

Jory said:
That alternative school thing sounds like a big deal. Does your daughter have any past issues at school? It seems extreme for just one fight.

Maybe they think the fight was more serious? Did anyone record it or anything? Schools sometimes use videos to make their case.

Yeah, other students recorded the fight but not how it started. They didn’t even mention their no-phone policy. Feels like they’re picking and choosing what matters.

Wow, that’s not right. You should definitely bring that up when you meet with them. If they’re not enforcing their own rules, it could work in your favor.

Did they tell the other student what’s happening to your daughter before they told you? That doesn’t seem right at all.

Wesley said:
Did they tell the other student what’s happening to your daughter before they told you? That doesn’t seem right at all.

Yep, the other kid knew what was going to happen before I did. Not cool at all.

Wesley said:
Did they tell the other student what’s happening to your daughter before they told you? That doesn’t seem right at all.

That sounds messed up. Schools are supposed to keep things like that private until they tell the parents. Definitely something to mention in your meeting.

Good luck at your meeting! Hope you can get them to reconsider. Sounds like they’re being really harsh on your daughter.

Marlow said:
Good luck at your meeting! Hope you can get them to reconsider. Sounds like they’re being really harsh on your daughter.

Thanks! I’m going to push for her to stay at her current school. I’ll see how it goes.