I just found out my employer in Georgia recorded a conversation we had, and they never asked for my permission or told me about it. I’m not sure if this is even allowed. It feels like a huge invasion of privacy. Has anyone else been in a situation like this? What should I do about it?
I think in Georgia it’s a one-party consent state, which means they don’t have to tell you if they’re recording.
Owen said:
I think in Georgia it’s a one-party consent state, which means they don’t have to tell you if they’re recording.
What does one-party consent mean exactly? Does that mean they can record anytime without me knowing?
Yeah, basically it means only one person in the conversation needs to know it’s being recorded. If they’re part of the convo, they can record it without telling you.
Did they use the recording for something, like a complaint or documentation? That might make a difference.
Dezi said:
Did they use the recording for something, like a complaint or documentation? That might make a difference.
Not sure yet, but I think they might have. They didn’t say anything to me directly though.
You might want to ask them directly. If they’re using it against you, you should probably get legal advice.
If it makes you uncomfortable, you could try talking to HR about it. They might give you some clarity.
Sawyer said:
If it makes you uncomfortable, you could try talking to HR about it. They might give you some clarity.
I didn’t think about going to HR. Do you think they’d actually help, though?
Depends on your company, but it’s worth a shot. At least you’ll have it on record if something comes up later.
If you’re worried, maybe consult a lawyer just to be safe. They can tell you if you have any rights in this situation.
Drew said:
If you’re worried, maybe consult a lawyer just to be safe. They can tell you if you have any rights in this situation.
Good point. I’ll look into it. Do you think it’s worth it even if they haven’t told me what they plan to do with the recording?
Yeah, especially if you feel like it could impact you at work. Better to know your rights than to guess.
Honestly, one-party consent laws are tricky. You might want to start keeping your own records just in case.
Lux said:
Honestly, one-party consent laws are tricky. You might want to start keeping your own records just in case.
What kind of records are you talking about? Like writing down stuff after meetings?
Exactly. Keep notes of what happens, who was there, and what was said. It could help later.