Could a guy legally chase a woman home at night if she consents?

just curious and not sure if this is dumb but here’s the scenario: say a woman’s nervous walking home alone at night. so, she and a guy friend agree that he’ll follow her at a distance until she’s close to her place. this way they both get some steps in, and, ideally, if anyone has bad intentions, they’ll think twice since someone’s already behind her.

so would this be legal? and if anyone like the cops saw, would they believe the story?

Not illegal, but it’s a risky idea. People nearby might step in to help without knowing the whole story. Could go wrong fast.

Zenith said:
Not illegal, but it’s a risky idea. People nearby might step in to help without knowing the whole story. Could go wrong fast.

I feel like most people would call the cops instead of jumping in. I’ve heard that yelling ‘fire’ is more likely to get attention than yelling ‘help.’

Maybe, but as a cop I’ve seen people step in even when they don’t know what’s going on. Could end badly.

Legal? Yes, it would be jogging with a friend at a distance. But anyone who sees you may assume the worst and could act on that.

If the cops saw, they’d stop and check on her. She could explain the setup, but if she doesn’t, they might arrest the guy for harassment.

Totally legal, but every bystander could easily misinterpret it.

The funny part is imagining a would-be attacker thinking, ‘Oops, she’s already in danger’ and giving up.

This is not a smart idea.

Ocean said:
This is not a smart idea.

yep, as i said…

Sounds like roleplay lol

Nori said:
Sounds like roleplay lol

oh no i didn’t even think of that :skull: