In the last few hours, my mom has threatened her two dogs and said awful things about my 12-year-old sister, including wishing her harm. I have recorded calls with my other sister about this. I’m getting another recording tomorrow and need advice on how to get Emergency Custody for myself or my stepdad.
Extra Info:
I live in Ohio, where only one person has to agree to record calls.
My mom and stepdad are still legally married but separated and living apart for over 2 years.
This isn’t my mom’s first problem with CPS; there are over 40 reports against her in the last 12 years.
If you need more details, feel free to ask and I’ll answer as best as I can.
Corey said:
Get the evidence later. Right now, call 911.
She shouldn’t be around the dogs or your sister after those threats.
My worry is that if the police don’t take it seriously, my mom will know my sister said something, and she’ll take it out on her. She’s done this to me and my older sister when we were living with her.
Wait, the 12-year-old is your sister, right?
It’s totally normal for little sisters to call older siblings if they’re scared.
You could also ask your stepdad to report it and just say he’s concerned, given your mom’s history. That way, he doesn’t have to say your sister told him.
Yes, I have two 12-year-old sisters. One of them is the one who was threatened, and the other one called me. I also have an 18-year-old sister who lives far away with our biological dad.
I’m the older brother, and I’ll be 20 next week. No matter who says something, my mom is smart enough to guess one of them talked, and my sisters will end up paying for it.
I’m a little confused. How do you plan to get an emergency hearing without her knowing someone outside the home was told?
The only way to keep her out of it is to file for an ex parte hearing, where she’s not involved. You might need a lawyer to help with that if you’re not sure how it works.
My dad tried CPS on her over 40 times for similar things. He filed emergency hearings, too. I’m just finding out now that all those reports were due to threats and other abuse.
After hearing what she said tonight, I really want to get my sisters out of there. I don’t know how to start any of this, so I posted here because I needed more than just robotic answers.
I’m so sorry for everything you and your sisters are dealing with.
My best advice is to reach out to your dad since he’s been through this with her before. He can probably guide you best on how to protect your younger siblings.
He served her with divorce papers about 2 months ago, but she refused to sign and said they were fake.
The paperwork says they each pay for childcare and things like school supplies, and they’re supposed to have the kids one week at a time, switching every Monday.
He should take the kids now, then. He has equal legal rights, so he can file for emergency custody using the recordings as evidence. He can even file it under the ongoing case.
Cass said: @Preston
No, he doesn’t. He was with my mom when my dad used to call CPS, but none of the cases were about him, just her.
Good. In that case, involve CPS. Use the recordings as evidence and be upfront that he’s working with the courts for custody but is concerned for the kids’ immediate safety. Without a court order, your mom could just pick them up from school.
Cass said: @Preston
The problem is she works at their school. If CPS shows up, she’ll find out quickly, and she might scare them into staying quiet.
Let CPS know she works there. They’ll likely take steps not to alert her. They could interview the kids at their dad’s place or even your home if CPS prefers that.