Hey, so I’m a paratrooper in the 82nd and I really don’t want to jump anymore. I found online that I need to fill out DA Form 4187 to stop being airborne, but IDK exactly how it works. Does anyone know if that’s correct? Also, who do I even turn this form into after it’s done? Any help would be appreciated!
Yeah, you’re right about the DA Form 4187. That’s the Personnel Action form you need to fill out to request stopping airborne duty. You’ll have to explain why you want to stop, whether it’s personal, medical, or whatever. You also might need a medical profile if it’s health-related.
I had a similar situation a while ago. After filling out the DA Form 4187, you might want to follow up with your S-1 to make sure everything is processed right. They can help speed things up if needed.
Just so you know, if it’s a health issue, you’ll probably need a medical profile to go along with the request. They might want something official from medical to back it up.
I had to do this a couple of years ago, and it took a while to get everything approved. Make sure you’re clear about why you’re requesting it, and be ready for a bit of back-and-forth with the chain of command.
Just make sure to turn it into your S-1. That’s where it all starts, and they’ll be the ones to push it through the proper channels. Also, follow up to make sure it gets approved!