Is phone talk between consenting teens in PA legal...?

Hey everyone, quick question—if two teens are both over the age of consent in PA (like both are 17), is it legal for them to have phone conversations that are, you know, kind of intimate? Nothing is recorded, just purely verbal. Anyone know?

Yeah, as long as they’re both above the age of consent and nothing’s being recorded or shared, it’s legal. The age of consent in PA is 16, so you’re in the clear.

Fallon said:
Yeah, as long as they’re both above the age of consent and nothing’s being recorded or shared, it’s legal. The age of consent in PA is 16, so you’re in the clear.

Oh cool, thanks for clarifying! Wasn’t sure how the whole age of consent thing worked here.

Fallon said:
Yeah, as long as they’re both above the age of consent and nothing’s being recorded or shared, it’s legal. The age of consent in PA is 16, so you’re in the clear.

Right, but isn’t there some rule against ‘explicit verbal stuff’? Thought that was restricted?

Not really, no. That rule is more about stuff like recordings or things that could be considered public obscenity. Just private convos are fine as long as both are over the consent age.

Ah, gotcha. Guess it only applies if it’s recorded or shared publicly. Makes sense .

Just out of curiosity, what happens if one person is a bit older, like in their 20s?

Kemper said:
Just out of curiosity, what happens if one person is a bit older, like in their 20s?

Good question. Actually, the lawyer said it’s still legal as long as it’s just verbal, even if one is 21 or 22.

Kemper said:
Just out of curiosity, what happens if one person is a bit older, like in their 20s?

Yep, that’s correct. Once over the age of consent, they’re good even if there’s a bit of an age difference, as long as it’s just phone chat.

Wait, what’s the ‘age of consent’ actually mean in PA?

Zane said:
Wait, what’s the ‘age of consent’ actually mean in PA?

It means they can legally consent to these convos or even, like, actual relationships once they’re 16 in PA.

Zane said:
Wait, what’s the ‘age of consent’ actually mean in PA?

Right, so at 17 they’re definitely above it. Thanks for breaking it down .

Lol, this is such a weird law! But I guess it makes sense that private convos wouldn’t be an issue.

Flint said:
Lol, this is such a weird law! But I guess it makes sense that private convos wouldn’t be an issue.

Yeah, agreed. Imagine trying to police every convo between teens .

Flint said:
Lol, this is such a weird law! But I guess it makes sense that private convos wouldn’t be an issue.

Haha, right? As long as it’s private and consensual, they’re safe from any issues.

Thanks for asking this, actually! Had the same question but didn’t wanna bring it up. Good to know the details.

Kenan said:
Thanks for asking this, actually! Had the same question but didn’t wanna bring it up. Good to know the details.

No worries! I was confused too, so figured I’d ask.

Kenan said:
Thanks for asking this, actually! Had the same question but didn’t wanna bring it up. Good to know the details.

Glad you did! Guess we all learned something new today.