My husband is trying to take custody

My husband and I are still together. I am trying to join the military and go active so I could get sent anywhere. He has stated he won’t come with me because of his job. He works 100-hour weeks and is maybe home overnight one day a week as a truck driver. He said if I leave and get sent to another state, he’d get custody of the kids since they have a support system here. I am the primary caretaker. He said he’s already talked to lawyers (I don’t believe him), but I’m not taking my chances which is why I’m here. Does it really sound like he could get full custody?

What are you doing? You have children and are their primary carer because your husband is on the road as a truck driver. You do not have the luxury of joining the military. Your kids come first, before any career dreams.

The courts would consider a move away from the children’s established community as a huge negative. It would be difficult to overcome that legally.

How is your husband going to get custody when he’s a truck driver and gone the majority of the time? He’s blowing smoke. There are many in the military who have custody of their kids.

Unfortunately, the only path I see for you to keep custody and join the military is if your husband is willing to quit his job and move where you are stationed.

You have to choose. You don’t get to join the military and have custody of your kids.

Yes, if you go active duty in any branch, they’ll likely grant custody to your husband. You will need a family care plan in place.

Will you divorce if you join the military? He might get custody since you are leaving.

Who is going to put the best interests of the kids first? This is an awful decision all so you can travel.

I completely agree; you need to think about the kids before your career choices.

I spent 6 years in, and I can count on one hand how many military members I know who had primary custody of their kids. The deck will be stacked against you if you join.

You cannot just up and take them out of state. He can make a case to keep them where they are.

He won’t have to work as much once she starts paying child support.

You need to choose: do you want your kids or the military? This seems like a very bad decision.

If you join the military and leave the state, yes, he could get full custody because you won’t be available.

You will not be able to take the children if you join the military. You need a family care plan.

You should speak with an Alaskan lawyer. It’s quite possible the recruiter would want detailed information to ensure someone can care for your children.

He is right. He will get custody when you are in basic and AIT.