Need advice on handling changes to my ADA accommodations... anyone been here?

Hey folks! I work for a big healthcare org, been there almost 17 years. Due to a health issue, I’ve had some ADA accommodations for about 4.5 years that let me work from home and adjust my hours a bit. But now my new manager wants me to use a standard schedule template, which could mess with those accommodations. I’m not sure how to push back on this without it getting too intense. Anyone else dealt with this kind of situation?

Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

Bailey said:
Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

That’s what I’m thinking too. They’ve been in place since 2020 and have worked well so far!

Bailey said:
Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

They might be trying to find ways to cut costs. But yeah, it’s tough to change something that’s worked this long.

Did you get any kind of documentation from HR on these accommodations? Having it in writing could help if they push back.

Tobin said:
Did you get any kind of documentation from HR on these accommodations? Having it in writing could help if they push back.

I do have some medical paperwork and old emails about it. Guess I’ll keep that handy, thanks!

Tobin said:
Did you get any kind of documentation from HR on these accommodations? Having it in writing could help if they push back.

Definitely a good idea. Sometimes it’s all about having the proof ready when they start questioning things.

Does your union have any say in this? They might be able to back you up if it’s a contract thing.

Rowan said:
Does your union have any say in this? They might be able to back you up if it’s a contract thing.

Yep, I looped in a union rep. They’re super busy with other issues right now, but hoping they can help.

Rowan said:
Does your union have any say in this? They might be able to back you up if it’s a contract thing.

Good call getting them involved early. It might help keep things from escalating too much.

Honestly, if you’re meeting your work goals, why mess with a system that’s working? Seems like a risky move by management.

Hale said:
Honestly, if you’re meeting your work goals, why mess with a system that’s working? Seems like a risky move by management.

Exactly! My performance is solid, so I’m not sure why they’re pushing so hard for these changes.

What’s SCOPE? Just curious since it sounds like it’s related to the changes they want to make.

Micah said:
What’s SCOPE? Just curious since it sounds like it’s related to the changes they want to make.

SCOPE is basically management’s way of looking for ‘efficiencies.’ They’re trying to standardize schedules to save costs.

Micah said:
What’s SCOPE? Just curious since it sounds like it’s related to the changes they want to make.

Ah, so a ‘cost-cutting’ thing? Makes sense but also sounds like a hassle for folks like you with accommodations.

Micah said:
What’s SCOPE? Just curious since it sounds like it’s related to the changes they want to make.

Exactly… feels like they’re not considering individual needs just to save a few bucks.

Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

Adley said:
Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

That’s what I’m thinking too. They’ve been in place since 2020 and have worked well so far!

Adley said:
Sounds frustrating! If you’ve had those accommodations for years, shouldn’t that be enough proof they’re working fine?

They might be trying to find ways to cut costs. But yeah, it’s tough to change something that’s worked this long.

Did you get any kind of documentation from HR on these accommodations? Having it in writing could help if they push back.