Promotion review board after a promotion... can it happen?

I got a referred OER for failing height/weight back in Sept 2023. My LTC board met in Nov 2023, and I made the promotion list. I got pinned on 1 Sept 2024. Thing is, I was never counseled, flagged, or put into ABCP during that time. I did plan to get a BF assessment around then, but I couldn’t get it scheduled before the evaluation submission. Now I’m curious… can a promotion review board still happen even after being promoted, or is there any chance my rank could be revoked? I’m 17 years and 4 months into service.

Congrats on the promotion! I think once you’re promoted, it’s pretty set. They’d have to do something big to revoke it, right?

Noelani said:
Congrats on the promotion! I think once you’re promoted, it’s pretty set. They’d have to do something big to revoke it, right?

Thanks! Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping. Just wondering if there’s a loophole that could still get me.

Noelani said:
Congrats on the promotion! I think once you’re promoted, it’s pretty set. They’d have to do something big to revoke it, right?

Not unless it’s serious, like a court martial or something. But for admin stuff, you should be good.

If they didn’t flag or counsel you, that’s kinda on them. They can’t do much now, I think?

Kip said:
If they didn’t flag or counsel you, that’s kinda on them. They can’t do much now, I think?

Yeah, exactly! That’s why I’m confused… seems like a done deal.

I’d be surprised if they pulled it back. Once Senate confirms it, doesn’t that lock it in?

Payton said:
I’d be surprised if they pulled it back. Once Senate confirms it, doesn’t that lock it in?

Yeah, the Senate confirmation is big. Pretty much locks it unless something extreme happens.

Payton said:
I’d be surprised if they pulled it back. Once Senate confirms it, doesn’t that lock it in?

Good to know! I thought the same but just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

I heard they can still issue things like a GOMOR if they feel like it, but nothing about revoking rank.

Case said:
I heard they can still issue things like a GOMOR if they feel like it, but nothing about revoking rank.

GOMOR, huh? Haven’t heard much on that, but sounds minor in comparison. Thanks for the info!

Some NCO complained about my promotion too once, but it didn’t go anywhere. Did you have anything like that?

Drew said:
Some NCO complained about my promotion too once, but it didn’t go anywhere. Did you have anything like that?

Haha yeah, actually. There was an IG complaint from an NCO, but I don’t think it matters much?

Drew said:
Some NCO complained about my promotion too once, but it didn’t go anywhere. Did you have anything like that?

Nah, if you’re already pinned and promoted, they’d have to go through a ton to even challenge it. You’re solid.