These people have some fascinating ideas, but it sounds a bit too good to be true. Does anyone know where I can get solid info on them? I agree with a lot of their logic, but it feels a little idealistic. I just want to live freely without this overwhelming government control while keeping my rights intact. If there’s really a way to legally avoid taxes or not need a driver’s license, how does that work, and where do I even start? Are there books, resources, or recommendations on this?
I’ve actually spoken with Steve, and he seems legit. This isn’t just theory—it’s about public servants misusing laws, ignoring procedures, and overstepping their authority. Steve, Alphonse, and others focus on building legal cases against them. Most of the time, they sue these officials in federal court, and the cases settle before trial because the legal arguments are solid.
That being said, you need to invest time to learn about the Constitution, state and federal laws, legal procedures, and how to do proper legal research. Steve says he’s never gone to trial because his filings are strong enough to force settlements.
Steve used to have a YouTube channel with tons of videos explaining laws and statutes, but the entire channel was taken down.
Check out
Liam said:
Check out
I don’t trust them. Seems like a lot of nonsense to me.
Liam said:
Check out
I don’t trust them. Seems like a lot of nonsense to me.
That’s your opinion, but don’t discourage others. What doesn’t work for you might be exactly what someone else is looking for.
I get that, but their methods don’t seem practical or realistic. It’s hard to believe in their approach.
Vinnie said:
I get that, but their methods don’t seem practical or realistic. It’s hard to believe in their approach.
Fair enough. But I’ll say this—they don’t charge for their knowledge, and they’re not out to start fights. They’ve spent years figuring out the system. Before judging, listen to their past audios or watch their videos—it might make more sense.
Try checking out TalkShoe. Also, look up JC’s ‘Common Law Wise Words’ or listen to the law series on Crrow777 Radio.
Galen said:
Try checking out TalkShoe. Also, look up JC’s ‘Common Law Wise Words’ or listen to the law series on Crrow777 Radio.
What’s ‘JC Common Law Wise Words’ about?
I came across something called S D56b. Does anyone know what that’s about?
Amicus has some great points. Be cautious of anyone charging for this info or trying to keep it behind a paywall. Learn the law yourself—it’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Legal dictionaries can be tricky because the same word might have different definitions depending on which one you’re using.
A lot of people think freedom is free—it’s not. I’ve spent countless hours digging into iamsomedude’s content, and it lines up with what I’ve learned. If you’re not grounded in faith or belief in something bigger, you’re gonna keep getting taken advantage of.
Good luck. God bless.