Tenant sued for harassment and broke the lease, is it valid?

Hey everyone, so I’m dealing with a pretty frustrating situation. A tenant sued me for harassment and broke the lease. Their reasons are that I entered the house multiple times between 8:30 pm and 10:00 pm without prior notice. I know I had legitimate reasons for entering, like repairing the lock and recording videos for other tenants. Just wondering, is the timing of my entry considered harassment? I did give notice, but the times were late. Any advice would be really helpful.

That sounds tough. If you gave proper notice, it shouldn’t be considered harassment. Were those entries for repairs or something important?

I’ve been in a similar spot before. If your tenant was using shared spaces and you didn’t go into their private area, I doubt it would be considered harassment.

You should be fine, especially if you had a valid reason for entering. Just be sure to check your local laws to be certain.

Quick question: Did the tenant ever ask you to avoid entering or give notice in a certain way? If not, it might be hard for them to prove harassment.

Yeah, and if the tenant shared common areas, it could be that no notice was even required in some cases. Are you worried about the lawsuit now?