Throughout this whole process, there have been many lies. In the last court hearing, my ex and their lawyer lied to the judge. They might have lied to each other too. This was about a problem that I showed proof of to my own lawyer before the hearing. I gave the evidence in the months before the hearing. My ex lied, their lawyer supported the lies, and my lawyer didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to argue in front of the judge because I know they don’t like that. Also, I was told not to talk unless the judge asked me something. When someone lies in court like that, especially when there’s proof they’re lying, what can I do? Is that breaking the rules? Does the court do anything about it? My lawyers didn’t use my evidence in the court papers. They said they needed to keep it short and simple at the last minute. This affects my child’s safety, not just small issues.
It seems that your attorney is a part of the judge and your former attorney’s crooked system. You can request that the judge hold your former partner and their lawyer responsible for their deeds. You have the option to request that the judge punish both of them and find them in contempt of court. It is the judge’s responsibility to consider the evidence and implement the law in “the best interest of the child.” Nevertheless, because to corruption, they don’t often do it because they profit from placing a parent on child support. Check out Title 4D; even the act of placing someone on child support is unconstitutional.
How? If the judge denies you the opportunity to speak, he or she will inform the clerk, “That’s all on the roaster so we’re done for the day,” as he or she leaves the judges podium.